Monday, January 21, 2013

Beginning Week 2

Alas, the weekend is coming to a close and after the long holiday weekend it is back to work. I have completed several papers to date with a few more to go to include several group projects. Things are starting to fall into place as far as the cafeteria schedule goes, but with this being the beginning of another week it will be a relearning process all over again. Spoke to some of the guys from back at the department this weekend and it was good to hear from them. We did not do much today as it would have been almost impossible to get into DC with the inauguration going on just worked on some papers. We are going to try and get in next weekend to see some of the sites. Graduation still seems a long way off, but everyone that I have heard from says that it comes on before you know it. I will have to wait and see on that one. They do try to keep you busy here and I am still seeing new faces everyday. I am beginning to miss the day-to-day of being at home and missing my wife and kids. I am planning to go home on February 15 and that day can't get here soon enough. Until next time.

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