Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 2 Down

Well week two is done and things seem to picking up as far as the pace goes, graduation still seems a long way off. We had a good week, busy with classes and challenges.  We had some snow this week which was nice to see, but it has been bitterly cold to go with that. We had a good weekend so far a group of us went into DC yesterday and saw the Holocaust Museum and the war memorials I think we must have walked 5 miles in all and then went for Chicago style pizza after at the recommendation of my roommate. Uno pizza just outside of DC very good. I think we are going to stay in today and finish some papers to stay ahead of the game. we may try to get out this afternoon, but I am not sure yet. Got to ready for a busy week ahead, more classes and challenges. Till next time.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! View outside my room window.
My roommate and me at the steps to the Lincoln Memorial.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week One Challenge

The week one challenge is in the books. A very cold 1.5 mile run on the road. The temperature when we started was 11 degrees, yes 11!!! The good part was that it was only 1.5 miles the bad part is that it is supposed to be 55 next Wednesday. Classes still going well and have most of my papers written, just doing some review work to make sure they are right. We have flag night tonight, we will trade patches and meet the new agents that are coming to our respective states.Should be a good time. Anyway, staying busy to keep my mind off of things at home and missing the family. Post when I can.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Beginning Week 2

Alas, the weekend is coming to a close and after the long holiday weekend it is back to work. I have completed several papers to date with a few more to go to include several group projects. Things are starting to fall into place as far as the cafeteria schedule goes, but with this being the beginning of another week it will be a relearning process all over again. Spoke to some of the guys from back at the department this weekend and it was good to hear from them. We did not do much today as it would have been almost impossible to get into DC with the inauguration going on just worked on some papers. We are going to try and get in next weekend to see some of the sites. Graduation still seems a long way off, but everyone that I have heard from says that it comes on before you know it. I will have to wait and see on that one. They do try to keep you busy here and I am still seeing new faces everyday. I am beginning to miss the day-to-day of being at home and missing my wife and kids. I am planning to go home on February 15 and that day can't get here soon enough. Until next time.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week One in the Books

Well, week one is done and so far so good. The amount of outside classwork seems to be alot, but we have been assured that we will all make it through without any issue. We will see. The food here is better than expected and the whole dorm room type of living is still foreign, but I am getting used to it in time.Still getting into the swing of things regarding classes and where they are, but they are getting better. We went to the Firearms Museum this morning and it is an absolute must see. We all wished that we could have taken pictures, but it was not allowed due to the recent issues with guns and such. Then we traveled to Arlington National Cemetery which was, as always, very inspiring. Watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is incredible to see. We had the opportunity to go to the Globe and Laurel restaurant and what a great place. Steaks were very good and it was great to meet the owner and his son on the cigar patio. I highly recommend that any LE officer go and enjoy looking at the over 7,000 police patches on the wall. Getting geared up for next week going to try and write a couple of papers Monday during the holiday and staying ahead of the game.

The guys at Arlington. Me, Craig Mueller, Mike Hudson

The donut patch at Globe and Laurel restaurant

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day one down

Day one is in the books. We will take the fit test in the AM and start a fairly regular schedule after that. The section conselors are great to work with and are very helpful. Mike (SCSO) and I took his roommate (Jordan) to get some things squared away and learned that he works in intellegence and was shot in 2003 with the bullet still in his stomach. He laughed and said that was how he got promoted. We live in a blessed country. Had our welcome dinner tonight and earlier elected the section people that will handle things like collecting money for dues and the like. (I declined) Meeting more and more great quality people everyday and continue to enjoy the whole setting. I am trying to be as detailed as possible without giving away everything, as this is how I learned alot prior to coming up here. I am getting tired and am in need of a good nights sleep in prep for the AM run. OUT.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A day at the Battlefields

Spent the day at Fredricksburg and Chanchlorville Battlefields. Awe inspiring places to visit and realize the history in the area. By the way does the sun ever come out here, it has been a constant fog since arriving on Saturday. Tomorrow begins the first day of class (not really as it is drop add) looking forward to getting started and taking care of things. Have all ready made a couple of trips to the Boardroom and discovered a couple of other guys from Alabama.War Eagle!Nice to here a southern accent and talk about deer hunting.  Also Nice to here from NA 246 Thanks for the encouragement.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Finally Here!

Finally made it up here. It took almost 12 hours of driving in heavy fog to get here, but got here none the less. Checking in was a breeze thanks to a wonderful staff here at NA. So far the food is good, but still in recovery mode from the drive. Also met my roommate today a good guy from Springfield Il. The rooms are much more than I expected. They are cramped but still with plenty of room for all the stuff needed to get by. I still can't get over how helpful everyone here is. Any questions that you have they seem to have all ready thought of and the run things with a military efficiency. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible and include pictures when I find out how to get that done. I am going to try and hit the boardroom when it opens at 8:00 tonight and catch a little of the game. Anyway as I said I am going to try and update as often as possible for the guys coming after me. We are going to try and get around town tomorrow and learn our way around.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

1 Week out 01/06/13

I am now less than a week away from leaving for the NA. I feel as prepared as I can be and am looking forward to the whole experience. My wife is apprehensive concerning the time apart as am I, but realize that I am going to try and get home in February and then they are coming up for graduation. Anyway, this is my first attempt at "blogging" so hopefully will get better as time goes and can add pics as the opportunity arises.