Monday, February 25, 2013

Philidelphia Trip

Well we had a great weekend in Philly. The local FOP lodge where they treated us to a "Taste of Philadelphia" which was great. Philly cheesesteak was the order of the day. The lodge itself is brand new and is beatiful. Then headed over to the Police training range for a demo of some of their toys. SWAT and bomb demo along with K9. Also went to the head qaurters bldg. We then went to our hotels and then were treated to a local Irish Pub. The next day we went to Independance Hall and saw the Liberty Bell and several other points of interest. We left there and took a behind the scenes tour of Citizens Bank Park were the Phillies play. Then went to run the "Rocky" steps at the art museum and took pictures at the statue, had a wonderful dinner at the Comcast Bldg. and then proceeded to travel back to NA. Great but busy weekend. A guy made a statement this morning that I felt was very appropriate in that he said that it felt like the movie "Groundhog Day' because every morning seems to blend into the next, but I know that the end is in site. Everyone is finishing up on papers and group assignments. Most have made their reservations at the local hotels by now and getting ready to graduate in about 3 weeks. We have international night this week which should be interesting with all the foreign flavor. Anyway that's all I have for now. Time to take a shower and get ready for another day.
Behind home plate at Citizens Park

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Short Note

Prayers to Jay Carr and his family. My wife texted me this morning and told me that Bryan, their 5 year old, who has been undergoing treatment at Duke for a rare disease for the last year, has gone to be with the Lord last night. They are a strong family in Christ, but they are in need of prayer support. Bryan's story has been inspirational and his strength has been incredible to follow through the blog. We who are Christians know that Bryan is with his Heavenly Father and will be missed here, but knowing that he is no longer sick is a blessing. Pray for his siblings and mother and father as they are now left here to carry on, they have shown a strength that is unfathomable. I Peter 2:24 "By His stripes we are healed".

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week Six

Beginning week 6 and after a weekend home I got to say it was hard getting on the plane to come back here. However, but a few short weeks and we will be done. It was wonderful to see my family again and see that they are getting along without me OK. It was also great to get to cook out on my grill and eat a real steak. We will be busy this week with it being short week after the holiday and then heading up to Philly for the weekend. We have a speaker this week on Wednesday being Bobby Smith. I have heard that he is really inspirational and I am looking forward to hearing him. I am going to try and get reservations at a hotel for when my family comes up for graduation as well on Wednesday, as they say things will start to fill up after the beginning of March. Anyway got to get ready to go to class. Until next time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 5

Well, week 5 is almost done and things are moving along. We went to the LE memorial last night and even though it was sleeting it was a very moving ceremony. I can't wait to fly out of here tomorrow for the long weekend. It will be great to get home and eat something that is not CHICKEN! We also got to hear a presentation from Mike Durant the Black Hawk Pilot from the Somalia mission. He gave great insight to the mission and his experience of crashing and being held for 11 days. The walls are not closing in yet, but I feel the need to get out of here more than ever. Next week is a short week for classes and then next Saturday we leave for the Philadelphia trip which I am very much looking forward to. It looks like they plan to keep us busy up there as well. Anyway enough for now time to get geared up for PT in the morning and then a couple of classes then it's off to the airport and then home sweet home!
Wreath laid at the Law Enforcement Memorial

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 4

Another one in the books. The weeks keep going by and my time remaining here grows shorter. Classes are moving along and the challenges get a little harder each week. This week is the 3.1 mile run, but looks like the weather will cooperate so it should make for a good day. We will also hear Mike Durant speak on his time in Somalia for the whole "Black Hawk Down" thing when he was captured. Should be very good.We are planning to go to the LE Memorial this week as well. Had a good weekend so far. We went to Gettysburg Saturday. The weather was good just cold and it was a wonderful tour of the battlefield. I would recommend it to anyone. I am missing home, but am looking forward to heading back this weekend for the long 3 days with the holiday. It will make for a good Valentines day present for all. I am planning to go to the main PX today to get some cards to carry home next weekend and take care of a few other things today. The NY trip was this weekend and with winter storm "Nemo" hitting with full force I am glad that I did not go, all though I know they will have a good time. I am looking forward to going to Philly in a couple of weeks. I will leave it at that for now and will update as I go.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 3

They were not kidding when they say that things speed up here. Week 3 is done and moving on to week 4. This plans to be another busy week. They postponed the trip to the LE Memorial due to expected bad weather so we will do that next week. This will have to be short as I am about to head to class. Hope to update further as the week goes. On an inside note thanks for all the prayers this week.